Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To start...

Hello and thanks for reading. I'm starting this blog so I can express myself on anything and everything that interests me, and not on any single particular interests like I've done in the past. Hopefully, that way my blog won't become irrelevant to myself and be abandoned.

I'm a guy who is always wondering what the fuck is the matter with myself and why am I never inspired enough to get myself out of bed and start improving myself and things in my immediate vicinity. As far back as I can remember, I have always had wonderful intentions for myself and dreams for my future, but for some reason I've failed at almost everything I try to do or not even try to because I know I don't follow through on anything.

Wow. I wasn't planning on venting all my crap on this blog, but this is me. This is where I am in my 30-year-old life and what is pretty much always in the back of my mind throughout the day. I'm a failure, loser, slob, coward, pervert, fatty, bad husband and bad father. But I know I'm also smart, kind, creative, funny, handsome and a wonderful husband and father. It just depends on my mood usually. My daily routine is a battle against myself to better myself for my wife and daughter who both are my life, which I would readily give for them if it was asked of me.

It is 2:30 AM right now and I do still have some responsibilities in my life so I'd better get to bed. We'll see how this goes, eh?



  1. Best blog title ever. ;)

    I don't know who you are, but your first post here has inspired me to read on...but i'm sure the lazy description you have for yourself means there won't be THAT much reading to do. So there's that :)

    Have a great Tuesday!

  2. Thanks very much! :) I was going to eventually replace the title, but maybe this is the one I should stick with. I do plan on winning some laziness battles and living more vividly.. so hopefully I'll have plenty to blog about.
